Jack Kreindler MD

Physician, Researcher, Entrepreneur. Currently: Co-Founder @ Certific.co; Honorary Research Fellow @ Imperial College. Physician @CHHP @ThePCA LON | NYC

I’m a physician entrepreneur with special interests and 20+ years experience in extreme challenges, human performance science and extending health-span through physiological super-adaptation. A professional geek since age 15. Health tech founder, CEO/CMO/Product guy since 1999 - when it was definitely not cool and no one else was being a doctor and founder at the same time. Founded and fortunately succeeded in a series of first in class startups UK amd US. Established the now renowned and oft-modelled upon Centre for Health & Human Performance (CHHP) in London, 2007. Currently loving doing a bit of computational modelling research for public health, primary care and COVID as an honorary clinical research fellow at Imperial, and helping the hardest to treat cancer patients through my ACT for Cancer Foundation. Occasionally advising some healthtech CEO’s and VC’s doing exceptional work in healthcare and biotech. In the pandemic I cofounded a super-scaleable ‘KYC for Telehealth, home testing and remote trials’ company called Certific.co with the brilliant Taavet Hinrikus and Liis Narusk. Not so secretly building out the next level of our human performance and health-span medicine practice with the maestro Dr Paul Grewal and our amazing team in London and NYC. Occasionally helping set the odd world record in something extreme somewhere weird and wonderful. Official appreciator of life and making the most of every day on this precious rock.