Leroy Hood: Transforming Healthcare with Scientific Wellness

A world-renowned scientist and recipient of the National Medal of Science in 2011 Dr Leroy (Lee) Hood is one of only 20 scientists to be elected to the National Academies of Science, Medicine and Engineering. He co-founded the Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) in 2000, served as its first President from 2000-2017 and is a Professor and Chief Strategy Officer.

He is responsible for inventing, developing and commercializing chemical technologies that address biological complexity — most notably the automated DNA sequencer used in the Human Genome Project.

Throughout his career, he has founded more than a dozen companies, including Amgen. Dr Hood is co-founder and CEO of Phenome Health which is developing digital twins for each person by leveraging data from genes, behavior and environment to understand and individuals unique phenome and how it changes over life, in order to optimize health and precision wellness. https://PhenomeHealth.org

More about Dr. Hood: https://www.nextmed.health/bio-leroyhood

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