Quantified Health: From Big Data to Insights. Stanford's Michael Snyder at NextMed Health

"If your health is a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle, today we measure 6 or 7 pieces and try and guess the picture, now we're trying to take 600-800 pieces to get a much better assessment of your health...'

Michael Snyder PhD is Professor and Chair of Genetics at Stanford Medical School and director of the Stanford Health Innovation Lab.

In his keynote at NextMed Health 2023 (http://NextMed.Health) he covers the exciting possibilities using insights from new forms of health data. No patient is average. Variability from baseline is key for each individual. Longitudinal Personal Omic's Profiling to measure health and for early detection of disease: Today we can measure make 1000s of measurement from wearable data to blood samplings to understand what health looks like and what changes over time with aging and disease. Using the convergence of new forms of data and insights we can find diseases pre-symptomatically.

We age differently: Ageotypes show different patterns in ageing. Remote sampling and measurements with wearables and 'microsampling' of blood enables new ways to detect infectious disease (from Lyme disease to Covid) early with smart watches. Microsampling of blood for over 2200 analytes for remote monitoring yields deep insights on health, on metabolomics and inflammatory changes and responses to diet, exercise and more. Dense monitoring with wearables enables matching lifestyle with its biochemical effects.

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